



Revolutionizing Engineering: How GPT-3 is Transforming Code Writing

 As a language model developed by OpenAI, GPT-3 (Generative Pretrained Transformer 3) has been making waves in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning. The model's ability to generate human-like text has made it an ideal tool for a variety of tasks, including coding. In this article, we will explore how an engineer can leverage GPT-3 to write code more efficiently.

One of the primary benefits of using GPT-3 for coding is its ability to understand and generate code in various programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, and Java. This means that an engineer can simply input a problem statement or code snippet and get a well-written solution in a matter of seconds. For example, an engineer could input a simple problem like "generate code to find the sum of two numbers in Python" and get a well-written function in a matter of seconds.

Another advantage of using GPT-3 for coding is its ability to complete code snippets. For example, an engineer could input a partially written code and get a complete solution that can be used immediately. This can save time and effort for the engineer, allowing them to focus on more complex problems.

GPT-3 can also be used to generate documentation for code. An engineer can input a description of a code's purpose and get a well-written documentation that can be used to explain the code's functionality to others. This can be especially helpful for engineers who are working on a project with a team and need to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

One of the most significant benefits of using GPT-3 for coding is its ability to identify and correct errors in code. The model can scan code snippets and point out potential errors, such as syntax issues, missing semicolons, or incorrect variable names. This can save time and effort for the engineer and prevent frustration caused by debugging errors that could have been easily avoided.

In conclusion, GPT-3 is a powerful tool for engineers looking to write code more efficiently. The model's ability to understand and generate code in various programming languages, complete code snippets, generate documentation, and identify and correct errors makes it an ideal tool for engineers looking to save time and effort. As GPT-3 continues to evolve, its applications in the field of engineering will only continue to grow.


Arduino Introduction

One of the most well-liked electronic prototyping platforms available today for learning and using microcontrollers is Arduino. This is so that anyone may utilize the ATMEGA328 microcontroller thanks to the Arduino developers' simplification of its hardware and programming.

Even if you've never built or programmed an electronic circuit before, the Arduino will allow you to construct rather complex projects without having a thorough understanding of microcontrollers. The Arduino's level of abstraction has made it significantly simpler for people to learn electronics engineering and programming.


The majority of microcontrollers require the inclusion of extra parts, such as crystal oscillators, voltage regulators, capacitors, and resistors, in order to create projects.

Since it functions right out of the box, the Arduino eliminates the need to connect external components. This enables users to concentrate more on creating prototypes and designing circuits than on getting the microcontroller to function.

Arduino Board

A development board for the ATMEGA328 microcontroller is called the Arduino. On a single PCB, the Arduino has all the electronic parts required to support the ATMEGA328. Input/output pins, a USB port for connecting the Arduino to a computer, and a 9V DC power connector are additional essential features.

Although there are many various varieties of Arduino boards, the Arduino Uno is the most widely used:

The hardware of the Arduino is open-source, meaning anyone can include it into a design without violating any licensing agreements or patents. The numerous third-party Arduino "clones" and accessories available on the market serve as evidence of the open-source nature of the Arduino.

How do you program Arduino?

It is incredibly simple to write Arduino code, which is one of the reasons the Arduino is so well-liked. The most common programming languages for microcontrollers are C and assembly, both of which are challenging to learn.

Based on the far more user-friendly C/C++ programming language, Arduino is significantly simpler to learn and utilize. You can learn how to program it using a wealth of internet tools and tutorials. Our video course, The Ultimate Guide to Arduino, is a fantastic resource. We teach all of the fundamental and sophisticated Arduino programming techniques that will enable you to construct any project.

You write the Arduino code and upload it to the board using the Arduino integrated development environment (IDE). A computer is used to run the Arduino IDE software program. When compared to conventional IDEs for microcontrollers, the program is free and incredibly simple to use. To upload the code to the Arduino, simply open the IDE, type your code, and press a button.
The abundance of libraries for the Arduino programming language is one of its best features. Libraries are collections of programs that have routines to perform routine activities like reading an accelerometer's data or outputting a PWM signal to drive servos. Because the code is already written for you, libraries make it much simpler to interact with external sensors and modules on the Arduino.


Due to the versatility of the Arduino as an electronics development platform, a wide range of input and output devices can be connected to it. Button, switch, temperature, GPS, magnetometer, PIR, ultrasonic range finder, and many more types of input devices could be used.

Servo, DC motor, LCD display, LED, buzzer are a few examples of output devices:
Examples of the Arduino's input and output devices

Examples of the Arduino's input and output devices

The Arduino can be programmed to process inputs from any input device and output a result through certain output conditions defined in an Arduino program.

What is the best way to choose an Arduino?

There is a great deal of Arduino development boards on the market, but determining which one will work best for a given application can be difficult. By looking at what your purpose is and what you hope to accomplish using the Arduino, the below table can assist you in deciding.

I hope this article has a clearer understanding of what Arduino is, its many uses, and how you can pick the Arduino that works for you!
Please be aware that the comments below have not answered all of your questions. If you've got additional questions about your particular project, be sure to leave a comment.



Switches as well as sensors or other electronic devices like LEDs can be controlled by means of push buttons.

In this article, we will examine the process of connecting and enabling a button on an Arduino. We will also learn about floating pins, pull-up and pull-down resistors, the digitalRead() function and Arduino's internal pull-up resistor. After reading through this article, you will be able to add push buttons to any project.


Push buttons for a variety of uses exist in different setups: from the desk to the desk.

The push button referred to in this article is sometimes called a tactile switch or momentary push button.

The pins on either side of the button have contacts inside the button housing. The button itself has a conductive piece of metal attached to it. When the button is pressed, the circuit is closed between the pins on each side and electric current is allowed to flow between them:

PROJECT example

To create a circuit that will turn the light on when a button is pressed, let's build a circuit that will operate on an LED. The LED is just a simple example, you can use this circuit to control any device that is powered by a 5-volt signal.

These are the parts required to finish the undertaking:

Follow this diagram to set up the circuit.

The limiting resistor's value can range from 200 Ohms to 1 K Ohms.

As one side of the push button is dedicated to 5Vs, and the other is dedicated to pinning 7, when the button is pressed, current from the other side of the push button will flow to pin 7 making it go high. Through this, we'll use the digitalRead() function to detect when this happens. Then we will use the digitalWrite() function to set pin 11 high, causing the LED to light up.


When you have connected the circuit to the Arduino, upload this code to it.
int buttonPin = 7;
int ledPin = 11;
void setup() {
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
int buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
digitalWrite(ledPin, buttonState);

In the loop(), an int variable named button state is declared and assigned the value of digitalRead(button in). If the button is not pressed, the voltage at the button it will be low, and digitalRead() will return a low value, which is stored in the button state. If the button is pressed, the voltage at the button in will be high, resulting in a high value being stored in the button state.


You'll notice that something strange is happening if you build the project mentioned above and test it. When you put your hand near the button, the LED is likely to turn on and off. What might be the root of that?

The digital pins on the Arduino are incredibly delicate. The Arduino can detect even faint electromagnetic fields produced by your hand. And the digitalRead() method records those as high signals.

GPIO pins are referred to as floating pins when they are permitted to detect errant electromagnetic fields. Making ensuring the button in stays low when the button is not pressed will help us to fix the issue. So how can we go about doing that?

The simplest method is to connect a resistor from the push button's left side to the ground as shown in the example below:

Stray electromagnetic energy will pass through the resistor and into the ground when the button is not pressed. When the button is touched, the resistor prevents electricity from flowing to the ground and instead directs it to pin 7. Because it links a pin to the ground to maintain low voltage, this is known as a pull-down resistor. The pull-down resistor's value might vary, however, it is often greater than 10K Ohms.


Pull-up resistors are less common than pull-down resistors. Pull-up resistors are wired directly to a voltage source and retain the prong in a high-voltage state.

In this circuit, the pull-up resistor is connected to 5 volts, and the right side of the button is connected to the ground. Pressing the button will send a low signal to pin 7, turning the LED on. The pull up resistor is tied to 5 volts and keeps pin 7 high until the button is pressed.

Supposedly, the code for using a pull-up resistor looks like this:
int buttonPin = 7;
int ledPin = 11;
void setup()
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
int buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
if (buttonState == LOW) {
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
if (buttonState == HIGH) {
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);

We declare variables for the buttonPin and ledPin variables and set them as outputs, the same as in the previous program. The voltage status of the button pin is then determined using the digitalRead() function, and it is then saved in the button state variable.

When the button state variable is low, we want the Arduino to send a high signal to the ledPin. Two if statements are used in the loop() section to determine what happens when the buttonState variable is high or low. The first if statement is carried out and the ledPin is written high if the buttonState variable is low. The software enters the second if statement and writes a low voltage to the ledPin if the buttonState variable is high.

The LED should now come on when you press the button and stop flickering as you move your hand across the circuit. The floating pin issue has been resolved.


The pull up and pull down resistors that we examined in this article are components of an external circuit. But you can accomplish the same thing with the inbuilt pull-up resistor that the Arduino contains. Use INPUT PULLUP as the second argument in the pinMode() function for the buttonPin to use the inbuilt pull-up resistor built into the Arduino
int buttonPin = 7;
int ledPin = 11; void setup() { pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); } void loop() { int buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin); if (buttonState == LOW) { digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); } if (buttonState == HIGH) { digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); } }

Now that the pull-up resistor is connected to 5 volts, the circuit can be wired. The internal pull-up resistor reduces the number of components and simplifies the design.

I hope this post has given you a better understanding of the various uses for a push button when using Arduino to control gadgets. If you have any questions, make sure to leave a comment below!

How to use pulse width modulation on the ARDUINO.


There are just two voltages that the Arduino can output: 0 volts and 5 volts. However, a lot of equipment needs to be powered by a voltage range between 0 and 5 volts, including LEDs, servos, and motors. Fortunately, the Arduino is able to replicate any voltage between 0 volts and 5 volts via pulse width modulation.
We'll discover how pulse width modulation functions in this post, as well as how to create pulse width modulation signals using an Arduino Uno.

modulation of pulse width

A pulse width modulation signal consists of a series of brief, high-frequency current pulses. The voltage rapidly changes from 5 volts to 0 volts while the signal appears to be a square wave:

There are 500 of these cycles per second on the Arduino because the pulse width modulation frequency is approximately 500 Hz. Each cycle lasts only 2 milliseconds on average.
The pulse width is the length of the peak point of the signal. The cycle duration of a signal is the length of time between its highest and lowest points. The duty cycle is the ratio of the cycle duration to the pulse width duration: it is the signal intensity.

We may adjust the apparent voltage to any value between 0 and 5 volts by adjusting the duty cycle:

A duty cycle of 50%, for instance, results in a pulse width that is 50% of the cycle, making the apparent voltage 50% of 5 volts, or 2.5 volts. This corresponds to a value of 127 for analogWrite.

Only Arduino pins with a "" next to them can produce pulse width modulation signals:


A pulse width modulation signal can be created using the analogWrite() method. Pin and value are the two arguments required.

analogWrite(pin, value);

The pin argument indicates which pin will be used to generate the pulse width modulation signal. The analogWrite value that represents the duty cycle of the pulse width modulation signal is the value argument. Use this formula to determine the analogWrite value that will result in a pulse width modulation signal with a particular apparent voltage:

PROJECT example

Let's construct a demonstration project that automatically adjusts an LED's brightness using pulse width modulation.
You will require the following components to complete the project:
  • Arduino Uno
  • 220 Ohm resistor
  • Jumper wires
  • One LED
  • Breadboard

Follow the LED-based diagram to connect the limiting resistor and the international electronic art Arduino.

The current limiting resistor can have any value from 220 Ohms up to 1,000 Ohms.

int ledPin = 6; int brightness = 0; int fadeAmount = 5; void setup() { pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); } void loop() { analogWrite(ledPin, brightness); brightness = brightness + fadeAmount; if (brightness <= 0 || brightness >= 255) { fadeAmount = -fadeAmount; } delay(30); }


To save the pin number attached to the LED, we declare an int variable named ledPin at the top of the sketch. The analogWrite values will be stored in an int variable named brightness, which will cycle between 0 and 255. Additionally, we declare the variable fadeAmount, which will be used to regulate how quickly the LED turns on and off.

We configure the ledPin as an output in the setup() section by using the pinMode() function.
The pulse width modulation signal is produced by the analogWrite() method found in the loop() section. We use the ledPin variable as the first argument since it contains the pin number for the device that will provide the pulse width modulation signal. The analogWrite value, which controls the duty cycle, is the second argument. The brightness variable that we created to hold that value is utilized as the second argument.

We need an if statement based on equality that stipulates that if the brightness is a lot less compared to or equal to zero, or if brightness is a lot more than or equal to 255, then execute the code in the body. In the body of the if statement, we have fadeAmount - fadeAmount;.


The program's brightness is initially set to zero:

int brightness = 0;

Brightness is equal to 0 in the first loop () cycle, so our pulse width modulation signal has a duty cycle of 0 and is sent to the ledPin (pin 6), and the LED goes off completely.

analogWrite(ledPin, brightness);

On the second line, the fadeAmount variable is added to the brightness variable. We declared it equal to 5 at the top of the sketch, so brightness will now equal 5.

brightness = brightness + fadeAmount;

The if statement's condition now inquires, "Is brightness less than or equal to 0, or more than or equal to 255? ”:

if (brightness <= 0 || brightness >= 255) { fadeAmount = -fadeAmount; }

The code inside the if statement is not executed, and the program jumps to the first line of code after the if statement, which is a delay of 30 milliseconds.


The program now goes back to the beginning of the loop() section. The analogWrite() function now writes an analogWrite value of 5 to the LED because the brightness variable's current value is 5.

Brightness is increased by fadeAmount once more on the following line, bringing it to a total of 10. The if clause determines whether 10 is higher than or equal to 255 or less than or equal to 0. The code inside the if statement is again skipped because it isn't. Every time the loop() section is invoked, the software increases the brightness value by 5 and repeats the process.

But as soon as the brightness setting reaches 255, the LED will be at maximum brightness. When the Arduino gets to the if statement, it checks to see if 255 is greater than or equal to 255 and then moves on to the if statement's body:
face amount = -fadeAmount;

As a result, the value kept in fadeAmount is changed from 5 to -5.

When the program reaches brightness = brightness + fadeAmount in the following iteration of the loop, 5 will be deducted from brightness because fadeAmount is now equal to -5. As a result, brightness drops from 255 to 250. The program continues to loop, deducting 5 from brightness with each cycle until brightness reaches 0.

If the reach of brightness is left unmodified at 0, the condition of the before statement will be true, and the program will enter the body of the if statement. Since fadeAmount is still -5, the expression will look like this:

fadeAmount = -(-5);

The face amount will be equal to positive 5 since the value of -5 (minus) is equivalent to positive 5 (plus). The brightness variable will now be increased by 5 each time the loop is executed. This causes the LED to turn on and dim again in an unending cycle, changing the value of the brightness cycle from 0 to 255.

The value of -5 (minus) is equal to positive 5 (plus), meaning that face amount will equal positive 5. Now 5 will be added to the brightness variable every time through the loop. This changes value in the brightness cycle from 0 to 255, making the LED light up and become dimmer once again in an endless loop.



The "hello world" of microcontroller programming is making an LED blink. One of the initial steps in learning how to program a new microcontroller is to accomplish this. A great tool for monitoring activity at the output pins is an LED. When the LED turns on, you can see that the pin to which it is linked is high. The programming techniques used to operate an LED are the same programming concepts used to control a large number of other modules, including motors, relays, buzzers, and other sensors.

In this article, we will learn how to make LEDs blink on and off, how to control the speed of a blinking LED, and how to control multiple LEDs at the same time. We will learn how to use the pinMode(), digitalWrite(), and delay() functions as well.

How do LEDS work?

All diodes regulate the flow of electricity in only one direction. They resemble a one-way valve for electricity. This is the schematic symbol of a diode: A box with two arrows inside.
Diodes and LEDs both only allow current to travel in one way. But as current passes through LEDs, they also produce light. A light-emitting diode is what it stands for. The LED schematic looks like this:


Current can only flow in one direction, so LEDs need to be connected in the right way around or they'll be useless. The side that comes in from the positive voltage is known as the cathode; the side that comes out from the negative voltage and is known as the anode.
The wire that is attached to the positive pole is known as the anode. The wire that becomes connected to the negative pole is known as the cathode. One of the sides of the LED clear plastic may be flat, which means the cathode side.


How much current is permitted to pass through an LED affects how brilliant it is. The LED can be made brighter or darker by varying the current. However, the amount of electricity that can pass through an LED is limited. If you give them too much current, they will shortly burn out. We connect a current-limiting resistor in series with the LED and the power source to restrict the flow of current:
The brightness of the LED is influenced by the current limiting resistor's value. Higher resistor values impede the passage of electricity and cause the LED to fade. Lower resistor values enable more current flow, increasing LED brightness.

Can you connect your Arduino to the LED?

These are the parts you need to connect an LED to the Arduino: These are the items you will need.
  • Arduino Uno
  • One 200-1K Ohm resistor
  • One LED
  • Jumper wires
  • Breadboard
The current limiting resistor's value can range from roughly 200 Ohms to roughly 1K Ohms.


Upload the following code to the Arduino once you've connected the LED and current-limiting resistor. In this drawing, the LED will flash on for one second, then off for another, and so on.
void setup() {
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
digitalWrite(13, LOW);

 CODE explanation

The Arduino must first be informed of the pin that the LED is attached to and set as an output. The setup() section's pinMode() method is used for it. The pin number and the input/output mode are the two arguments to the pinMode() function:

pinMode(pin, mode);

The LEDs connected to pin 13 enable the pin to serve as an output pin, so we use the connection of pin 13 to the LED.

pinMode(13, OUTPUT);

In a loop, the code in the loop() section will be run again. We must apply electric current to the LED in order for it to turn on. To change a digital pin's voltage state, use the digitalWrite() method. The pin number and the voltage state (high or low) are its two arguments:

digitalWrite(pin, value);

A high voltage level for the Arduino is 5 volts, and a low voltage level is 0 volts. We write a high voltage to pin 13 as follows to turn on the LED:
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);

The Arduino must then be instructed as to how long pin 13 should be high. With the delay() method, we accomplish that. The Arduino is instructed to pause and wait via the delay() method before continuing with the following line of code. The delay time in milliseconds is indicated by the number included in parentheses:

We delay for 1,000 milliseconds so that the LED will blink once every second:
We must switch off the LED now that it has been on for one second. In order to send a low signal to pin 13, we once more use the digitalWrite() function.
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
Then, we wait one additional millisecond:
By adjusting the numbers in the two delay() calls, you may modify how long the LED remains on or off.


The components required to connect two LEDs to an Arduino are as follows:
  • Arduino Uno
  • Two LEDs
  • Two 200-1K Ohm resistors
  • Breadboard
  • Jumper wires
Let's add a second LED to this circuit now that we've learned how to connect one LED to the Arduino. To go with the red LED, we can add a green LED. How to connect the circuit is as follows:

The current limiting resistors can be anywhere from about 200 Ohms up to about 1,000 Ohms.


We can essentially just repeat the code for a single LED in order to program the two LEDs:

int redLED = 13; int greenLED = 2; void setup() { pinMode(redLED, OUTPUT); pinMode(greenLED, OUTPUT); } void loop() { digitalWrite(redLED, HIGH); delay(1000); digitalWrite(redLED, LOW); delay(1000); digitalWrite(greenLED, HIGH); delay(1000); digitalWrite(greenLED, LOW); delay(1000); }

The sole distinction is that pin 13 is placed in the redLED variable whereas pin 2 is stored in the greenLED variable. The pin number is substituted by these variables in the pinMode() and digitalWrite() methods.

After connecting the LEDs and uploading the aforementioned program, you ought to notice the two LEDs blinking alternately:

Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.